Member Profile

The member profile presents all the information relating to that specific member, including:

  • Name, contact information, address and emergency contact
  • Active payment card (if any)
  • Attendance history
  • Memberships
  • Payment history
  • Ranks
  • Documents


Basic Member Information

The basic member information provided at sign-up appears in the left sidebar. You can click the "Edit" button to edit that information at any time.

Below the check-in code, you'll find the "Send Access Details" button, if you have member accounts active. This button will generate new account access details for members who can't log-in to their account.

Payment Card

At the bottom of the sidebar you'll find the payment method on file. If a payment method has already been added, basic details will be shown (card type, expiration and last 4 digits), and it can be updated or removed by click on the settings icon on the right side of it. 

Member Attendance

If attendance tracking is enabled, the main area of the member profile will show a graph of their recent visits. You can find detailed attendance information by click on the attendance tab at the top of the main profile area.


You can add notes about members for future reference, such as known medical conditions, membership changes requests and anything else that might be relevant.


You can add and manage memberships to the member profile from this section. Learn more about setting up membership options.

After selecting a membership, you can adjust membership parameters before assigning it to the member. 

  • Start date: The date the membership will go (or has gone) into effect.
  • First Payment: The date the first payment will be charged on.
  • Prorating: If you wish payments to be scheduled on a specific date (such as the 1st of each month), set the payment date to the 1st of next month, at which time the first full payment will be charged.
    Then click on the "Prorate" link below the payment date, and the system will calculate an additional pro-rated amount from the date you input in the "Prorate from" field.
  • Cost: You can adjust the membership cost for each member, if needed.
  • Sign-up Fee: An initial amount charged when adding the membership, in addition to the membership fee.
  • Charge signup fee: The signup fee can be charged with the first membership payment, in the same invoice, or immediately if the first payment date is in the future.
  • Tax: If your account's billing setting has taxes set up, those would appear here. You can change the tax rates before adding the membership.
  • Payment Method: You can choose whether to use the payment method on file or set it up as manual payments. Manual payments are paid offline (cash, check), and then marked as paid manually in the payment invoice.
  • Send Email Invoices: You can choose whether to send an invoice by Email for membership payments (including future recurring payments). You can turn this on and off later as well.
  • Cancel existing memberships: If the member has existing memberships with recurring payments, you will be given the option of cancelling those before adding a new membership, to prevent adding multiple recurring payments to the same member by mistake.

Recurring Payments

If you have "Manual Recurring Payments" enabled in your billing settings, you will see a separate section in the member profile showing their recurring payments. Recurring payments are managed by memberships for the most part, but you might prefer to be able to control those manually.

Payment History

The "Payments" section show the most recent payments on the member's profile, with a link to the full list in the billing section. Upcoming scheduled payments are shown as well, and can be changed before it's due.